Alleged Bribes for Driving Licence
Bribery can lead to serious and irreversible consequences. For example, road safety will be compromised if individuals are able to corruptly obtain foreign driving licences without taking proper lessons and passing the necessary tests, and then using such licences to drive. This can lead to road accidents causing serious injuries or even loss of lives.
2. On 2 May 2019, Zhang Weida (张伟达), a 34-year-old Singaporean male, was charged with one count of corruptly giving gratification amounting to RM7,000 to an unknown person for the benefit of an unknown Malaysian government official, as an inducement for the said official to issue a Malaysian driving licence in the name of Zhang Weida. This constitutes an offence punishable under section 5(b)(i) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 241. The alleged offence took place sometime in 2009 in Singapore.
3. Singapore adopts a zero-tolerance approach towards corruption. It is a serious offence to give bribes to another individual or entity. Any person who is convicted of a corruption offence can be fined up to $100,000 or sentenced to imprisonment of up to 5 years or to both.
4. Members of the public with information on suspected corruption are strongly encouraged to make a report with the CPIB. The CPIB looks into all corruption complaints and reports, including anonymous ones, and can be reached via the following channels:
a) Visit or write to us at the CPIB Headquarters @ 2 Lengkok Bahru, S159047 or Corruption Reporting & Heritage Centre @ 247 Whitley Road S297830;
b) Call the Duty Officer at 1800-376-0000;
c) Lodge an e-Complaint; or
d) Email us at
Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau