Charged over Illegal Business Practices
Individuals who resort to corrupt means to advance business interests will have to face the full consequences of the law.
2. On 3 June 2020, Khoo Chen Ee (“Khoo”), 邱正宇, a 36-year-old male Singaporean Permanent Resident in the employment of Hydrochem (S) Pte Ltd (“Hydrochem”), was charged with three counts of corruptly accepting and agreeing to accept about $7,000 from a Director of Leeds HR Solution Pte Ltd (“Leeds”), one Elumalai Selvakumar, as rewards for furthering the business interest of Leeds with Hydrochem. These constituted offences punishable under Section 6(a) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 241.
3. Singapore takes a serious view against corruption. Any person who is convicted of a corruption offence can be fined up to $100,000 or sentenced to imprisonment of up to 5 years or to both.
4. The CPIB looks into all corruption complaints and reports, including anonymous ones, and can be reached via the following channels:
a) Write to us at the CPIB Headquarters @ 2 Lengkok Bahru, S159047;
b) Call the Duty Officer at 1800-376-0000;
c) Lodge an e-Complaint; or
d) Email us at
5. Where possible, the report should include the following information:
a) Where, when and how the alleged corrupt act happened?
b) Who was involved and what were their roles?
c) What was the bribe given and the favour shown?
Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau